Owyhee County

Owyhee Air

The Owyhee Initiative

Idaho Rivers United


                       the Owyhees

    the Owyhee Canyonlands ~ Idaho Idaho America Oregon Oregon America Nevada Nevada America

the Owyhees

Located in the remote expanse where Idaho, Oregon and Nevada converge,the Owyhee Canyonlands are one of the largest intact and unprotected desert ecosystems in the American West. In fact, a three-million-acre chunk of the Owyhees constitutes the largest unprotected roadless area in the Lower 48 states

The Owyhee Canyonlands sprawl over nearly nine million acres. Spectacular, narrow rhyolite canyons and rugged breaks cut through an ocean of sagebrush, grasslands and juniper uplands buzzing with diverse biotic communities. The region is home to a diverse array of wildlife, including Pronghorn Antelope, Bighorn sheep, Elk, Deer, Cougar, Redband Trout, Sage-grouse, Bluebirds and raptors. It's also a growing haven for outdoor enthusiasts, hunters, fisherman, hikers, campers and river runners


The many branching forks of the Owyhee River system form a vast complex of deep, sheer-walled canyons and desert wilderness. River runners come from around the nation, lured by the Owyhee's whitewater. An enclave of solitude and sublime natural beauty, these remote canyons also provide a home for the nation's largest herds of California bighorn sheep. Between the canyons, sage plateaus support large herds of pronghorn antelope, and more than 95 kinds of wildlife and migratory birds use extensive juniper groves thought to be among Idaho's oldest forests

endurance.net for long distance horse sports link

                                                ^  by Mark Lisk  ^

contact ~ o at the.owyhees.com



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Grand View

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Owyhee County

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